
Today we’re going to learn how to access sequence data and prepare it for analysis. Please login to the “fossa” server and go to your home directory to start.

All students will be accessing the server using their UVic Netlink ID. You will use the ssh or Secure Shell command to login to the remote server, while logged into the UVic VPN. Make sure that you are using the “student” profile when logging into the VPN, not “employee”.

ssh your_id@fossa.rcs.uvic.ca

You will be prompted to use Duo, two-factor authentication before you enter your password. After approving the authentication on your phone, you will use your netlink ID to login.

(base) p165-072:~ gregoryowens$ ssh grego@fossa.rcs.uvic.ca
* Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources
* Access to this system is prohibited except for authorized University of
* Victoria students, faculty, and staff.
* All activity may be logged/monitored and unauthorized access will be handled
* per the provisions of UVic's Policy IM7200: Acceptable Use of Electronic
* Information Resources.
* https://www.uvic.ca/universitysecretary/assets/docs/policies/IM7200_6030_.pdf
(grego@fossa.rcs.uvic.ca) Duo two-factor login for grego

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-XXXX

Passcode or option (1-1):

After logging in, you will see a screen showing something like this:

To access CVMFS modules please source the appropriate profile.
For example: 'source /cvmfs/soft.computecanada.ca/config/profile/bash.sh'

Last failed login: Thu Oct  5 10:44:07 PDT 2023 from on ssh:notty
There was 1 failed login attempt since the last successful login.
Last login: Thu Oct  5 09:48:45 2023 from

As a first step, we need to download some sequence data. The North American repository of sequence data is the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). Whenever a researcher wants to publish a genomic analysis, they need to upload their raw data to the SRA so that other researchers can use replicate their results or use it for other purposes. The sample we’re going to work with is identified as DRR053219.


To download data we are going to use fasterq-dump, a program that can pull reads from the SRA based on their ID number.

#First we need to load the module system on the server, if you didn't modify your .bashrc in previous lessons.
source /cvmfs/soft.computecanada.ca/config/profile/bash.sh

#Then we go into our working directory
cd /project/biol470-grego

#Next make a directory for your own testing and enter it

#Then we load the sra-toolkit, which has fasterq-dump
module load StdEnv/2023 gcc/12.3 sra-toolkit/3.0.9

#Then we download the sample, splitting up the data into two files for the forward and reverse reads
fasterq-dump --skip-technical -S DRR053219

We now have two read files for this sample. It’s good pratice to exam the quality of the data using a program like FastQC. This program will process your samples and output a variety of stats about the data.

#First load the program
module load  fastqc/0.12.1
#Then run fastqc on our samples.
fastqc DRR053219_1.fastq DRR053219_2.fastq

It will produce an html report for each sample titled DRR053219_1_fastqc.html and DRR053219_2_fastqc.html. To view those, you’ll need to download them to your desktop. Open a new terminal and run scp.

scp YOUR_NAME@fossa.rcs.uvic.ca:/project/biol470-grego/YOUR_NAME/DRR*html Desktop/

Take a look at the output and answer the following questions


If you don’t see any red flags in fastqc, the next step is to trim the reads. This will do three different things: 1) Remove adapter sequences, which were added to your DNA but aren’t from your target sample’s genome. 2) Remove low quality reads. 3) Trim poor quality bases off the ends of reads. Base quality tends to decline so the ends of reads can be very low quality.

#First load the program
module load trimmomatic
#Then run trimmomatic on our samples.
java -jar $EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE DRR053219_1.fastq DRR053219_2.fastq DRR053219_1.trim.fastq DRR053219_1.unpaired.fastq DRR053219_2.trim.fastq DRR053219_2.unpaired.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:$EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10:2:True LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 MINLEN:36


We also need a reference genome to compare our sample with. Reference genomes are often available on the NCBI website. Here’s a link to the yeast (S. cerevisiae) reference genome: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCF_000146045.2/


To work with the yeast reference genome, we have to download it to the server. Go back to the first yeast genome page and click on the “Curl” button. It will show you a URL, which you should copy. We can use that URL and the “curl” command to download the reference genome files

curl -o yeast_genome.zip 'https://api.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/v2alpha/genome/accession/GCF_000146045.2/download?include_annotation_type=GENOME_FASTA,GENOME_GFF,RNA_FASTA,CDS_FASTA,PROT_FASTA,SEQUENCE_REPORT'

unzip yeast_genome.zip

Now lets take a look at what we got.

cd ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_000146045.2
cds_from_genomic.fna  GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna  genomic.gff  protein.faa  rna.fna  sequence_report.jsonl

First lets talk about “GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna”. This is the genome sequence in fasta format. It uses a .fna file suffix because it’s a fasta with only nucleotide information (and not amino acids, for example).

head GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna
>NC_001133.9 Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C chromosome I, complete sequence

Each chromosome (or contig) will be represented by a different fasta entry. You can see that this has an ID for the first chromosome “NC_001133.9” as well as a description of that entry. Some of the bases are lowercase, while others are uppercase. The lowercase bases have been identified as being repetitive and are what we call “soft-masked”. Some programs will ignore soft-masked regions of the genome.

We can manipulate the reference fasta file using samtools.

#First we load the samtools module
module load samtools/1.18

#Then we need to index the fasta file.
samtools faidx GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna

#This creates the index file "GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna.fai". 
#Sometimes index files are only machine-readable, but in this case the index file is actually helpful
head GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna.fai
NC_001133.9	230218	76	80	81
NC_001134.8	813184	233249	80	81
NC_001135.5	316620	1056676	80	81
NC_001136.10	1531933	1377332	80	81
NC_001137.3	576874	2928491	80	81
NC_001138.5	270161	3512653	80	81
NC_001139.9	1090940	3786270	80	81
NC_001140.6	562643	4890926	80	81
NC_001141.2	439888	5460680	80	81
NC_001142.9	745751	5906143	80	81

This shows all of the contigs in the fasta file (first column) and the second column shows the number of basepairs in each contig.


The directory also contains information on the annotated genes in the genome. Specifically: 1) “cds_from_genomic.fna”. This is the coding sequence for all genes 2) “rna.fna”. This is the RNA sequence for all genes 3) “protein.faa” This is the translated amino acid sequence for all genes. 4) “genomic.gff” This includes the locations and descriptions of all features in the genome (not only genes)

The cds and rna are very similar, but the cds only includes bases that code for amino acids while the rna includes transcribed bases upstream of the start codon and downstream of the stop codon.

Some genome assemblies have additional information files and you can find their definitions here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/doc/ftpfaq/

Lets take a look a the gff file.

#We're piping it to `less -S` to prevent line wrapping, because the lines on this
#file can be quite long
head -n 20 genomic.gff | less -S
##gff-version 3
#!gff-spec-version 1.21
#!processor NCBI annotwriter
#!genome-build R64
#!genome-build-accession NCBI_Assembly:GCF_000146045.2
#!annotation-source SGD R64-4-1
##sequence-region NC_001133.9 1 230218
##species https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=559292
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  region  1       230218  .       +       .       ID=NC_001133.9:1..230218;Dbxref=taxon:559292;Na>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  telomere        1       801     .       -       .       ID=id-NC_001133.9:1..801;Dbxref=SGD:S00>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  origin_of_replication   707     776     .       +       .       ID=id-NC_001133.9:707..776;Dbxr>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  gene    1807    2169    .       -       .       ID=gene-YAL068C;Dbxref=GeneID:851229;Name=PAU8;>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  mRNA    1807    2169    .       -       .       ID=rna-NM_001180043.1;Parent=gene-YAL068C;Dbxre>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  exon    1807    2169    .       -       .       ID=exon-NM_001180043.1-1;Parent=rna-NM_00118004>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  CDS     1807    2169    .       -       0       ID=cds-NP_009332.1;Parent=rna-NM_001180043.1;Db>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  gene    2480    2707    .       +       .       ID=gene-YAL067W-A;Dbxref=GeneID:1466426;Name=YA>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  mRNA    2480    2707    .       +       .       ID=rna-NM_001184582.1;Parent=gene-YAL067W-A;Dbx>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  exon    2480    2707    .       +       .       ID=exon-NM_001184582.1-1;Parent=rna-NM_00118458>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  CDS     2480    2707    .       +       0       ID=cds-NP_878038.1;Parent=rna-NM_001184582.1;Db>
NC_001133.9     RefSeq  gene    7235    9016    .       -       .       ID=gene-YAL067C;Dbxref=GeneID:851230;Name=SEO1;>

The start of the gff is a header, marked by the “#”. It tells you which specific gff version you have and where it came from. The first few columns tell us:

  1. Chromosome or contig
  2. Source of the feature
  3. What type of feature
  4. The start of the feature
  5. The end of the feature
  6. The score for the feature (in this case blank)
  7. The strand the feature is on
  8. The phase of the feature (in this case, what codon frame the CDS is in)
  9. Additional info

You can read more about how gff format works here: GFF3 Specification

In many cases, you’ll want to know which features are in a particular part of the genome. Since a gff file is actually just text, we can use some basic unix tools to filter it. A convenient option is “awk”.

awk '$1 == "NC_001133.9" && $4 >= 10290 && $5 <= 27968' genomic.gff

This filter for features on chromosome NC_001133.9 that start after 10290 and end before 27968.

This can work well for a single region, but you often will want to select information on multiple regions. Imagine a scenario where you have some test for each site across the genome, and you want to find all the genes that overlap with those sites. In this case, you can use bedtools.

module load bedtools

We need to make a bed file that includes the regions. This file should have three columns, chromosome, start and stop. Use nano to make this table, putting tabs between columns, and save it as regions.bed.

NC_001133.9 0 5000
NC_001134.8 0 5000

One thing to keep in mind is that bed files are zero-based positions. Which means that if you want the first five bases you need to range 0-5. If you did 1-5, it would skip the first base. When you work with VCFs later See this link for more information.

bedtools intersect -a genomic.gff -b regions.bed > selected.gff
