Section 1
- Describe key reasons for learning shell.
- Navigate your file system using the command line.
- Access and read help files for
programs and use help files to identify useful command options. - Demonstrate the use of tab completion, and explain its advantages.
- What is a command shell and why would I use one?
- How can I move around on my computer?
- How can I see what files and directories I have?
- How can I specify the location of a file or directory on my computer?
What is a shell and why should I care?
A shell is a computer program that presents a command line interface which allows you to control your computer using commands entered with a keyboard instead of controlling graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with a mouse/keyboard/touchscreen combination.
There are many reasons to learn about the shell:
- Many bioinformatics tools can only be used through a command line interface. Many more have features and parameter options which are not available in the GUI. BLAST is an example. Many of the advanced functions are only accessible to users who know how to use a shell.
- The shell makes your work less boring. In bioinformatics you often need to repeat tasks with a large number of files. With the shell, you can automate those repetitive tasks and leave you free to do more exciting things.
- The shell makes your work less error-prone. When humans do the same thing a hundred different times (or even ten times), they’re likely to make a mistake. Your computer can do the same thing a thousand times with no mistakes.
- The shell makes your work more reproducible. When you carry out your work in the command-line (rather than a GUI), your computer keeps a record of every step that you’ve carried out, which you can use to re-do your work when you need to. It also gives you a way to communicate unambiguously what you’ve done, so that others can inspect or apply your process to new data.
- Many bioinformatic tasks require large amounts of computing power and can’t realistically be run on your own machine. These tasks are best performed using remote computers or cloud computing, which can only be accessed through a shell.
In this lesson you will learn how to use the command line interface to move around in your file system.
How to access the shell
On a Mac or Linux machine, you can access a shell through a program called “Terminal”, which is already available on your computer. The Terminal is a window into which we will type commands. If you’re using Windows, you’ll need to download a separate program to access the shell.
In future lessons, we will use an Owens’ lab server allowing you to access large computing resources. Today, we are going to use a small virtual machine hosted by UVic. Open a web browser and go to Login using your UVic credentials.
When you login, select “Terminal”. You should see a blinking cursor.
Downloading files.
We first have to download the data files used in this lab. We are using data files from the software carpentry tutorial on unix shell (also a good resource if you want more practice!). We will be using the command ‘wget’, which requires a url.
jupyter@5ee02e7b87eb$ wget
--2024-12-17 23:12:39--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 460289 (450K) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘’
shell-lesson-data.z 100%[==================>] 449.50K --.-KB/s in 0.01s
2024-12-17 23:12:39 (36.2 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [460289/460289]
This text is showing us that the .zip file has downloaded successfully. For larger files you’ll be able to track how the download is going based on the status bar.
Navigating your file system
The part of the operating system that manages files and directories is called the file system. It organizes our data into files, which hold information, and directories (also called “folders”), which hold files or other directories.
Several commands are frequently used to create, inspect, rename, and delete files and directories.
The dollar sign is a prompt, which shows us that the shell is waiting for input; your shell may use a different character as a prompt and may add information before the prompt. When typing commands, either from these lessons or from other sources, do not type the prompt, only the commands that follow it. In this case, the prompt is showing that my username is jupyter, and I’m logged into 5ee02e7b87eb. This unintelligble string of characters is the ID for a virtual machine that the server spun up.
For the rest of the lab activities, I will be showing the prompt as only $. Your prompt will be different, depending on which direct you are in, as well as other factors.
It’s important to remember that anytime you are using the terminal, you are in a directory, which is in other directories, which are in even more directories until we get the one directory that has everything. We often think of this in terms of a tree structure. When you are entering into a directory you are moving upward towards the tips and when you are exiting directories you are moving downward towards the root.
To explicitely find out where you are lets run a command called pwd
(which stands for “print working directory”).
At any moment, our current working directory
is the directory where any tasks will be run,
the directory that the computer assumes we want to run commands in,
unless we explicitly specify something else. For example, I could ran a command to print all the files, it would print all of the files in the directory I am in.
Lets try to run pwd
to see where we are:
We are in the directory jupyter, which is in another directory called home.
Before we start movign between directories, another critically important command is ls
This command lists all the files and directories in your current directory.
Many times in this course you will try to run a command on a file and if the file is not in your directory, it will not work. Your first reflex when moving between directories or when a command doesn’t
work is to use ls
to see what files are there.
prints the names of the files and directories in the current directory in
alphabetical order, arranged neatly into columns.
Lets take a step back and talk more about how commands work in unix. A basic unix command looks like this:
command [flags] [arguments]
Flags change how a command runs. They are preceded by a -
when a flag is a single character or --
when a flag is multiple characters.
ls -l # Long format, shows detailed file information
ls -a # Show all files, including hidden ones
ls -h # Human-readable file sizes
ls --all # Same as -a
ls --human # Same as -h
You can also combine multiple single character flags in once
ls -lah # Combines long, all, and human-readable flags
The argument is used to pass arbitrary information to the command. For example, in ls, the argument tells it which directory to list the output for.
ls /home # List contents of /home directory
ls /home/jovyan # List contents of /home/joyvan folder
We can also combine flags and arguments:
ls -l /home # Long format of Downloads folder
We will be working on data that you downloaded, but currently it is zipped into a single file. We first have to unzip it so we can explore the files.
We’ve created a new directory called shell-lesson-data. We can double check that it’s there with ls
ls -l
You should see that it is there. If not, then your unzip command didn’t work.
The command to change locations in our file system is cd
, followed by a
directory name to change our working directory.
stands for “change directory”.
To navigate into the shell-lesson-data directory we use the following command:
cd shell-lesson-data
Let’s look at what is in this directory:
ls -F
exercise-data/ north-pacific-gyre/
With the -F flag and ls, anything with a “/” after it is a directory. Things with a “*” after them are programs. If there are no decorations, it’s a file.
Using the
command, find out when the directory “exercise-data”, was created. Hint, effective internet searching is a critical skill and will help you throughout your career.
It’s hard to remember all the commands, but they will start to stick in your memory as you practice. In the mean time, refer back to cheat sheets like this: cheat sheet.
Let’s go into the untrimmed_fastq
directory and see what is in there.
cd exercise-data
ls -F
alkanes/ animal-counts/ creatures/ numbers.txt writing/
Shortcut: Tab Completion
Typing out file or directory names can waste a lot of time and it’s easy to make typing mistakes. Instead we can use tab complete as a shortcut. When you start typing out the name of a directory or file, then hit the Tab key, the shell will try to fill in the rest of the directory or file name.
Return to your home directory:
cd ~ #The ~ is a special character which represents your home directory.
then enter:
cd she<tab>
The shell will fill in the rest of the directory name for
Now change directories to alkanes
, which is in the exercise-data
cd exercise-data
cd alkanes
Using tab complete can be very helpful. However, it will only autocomplete a file or directory name if you’ve typed enough characters to provide a unique identifier for the file or directory you are trying to access.
For example, if we now try to list the files which names start with P
by using tab complete:
ls p<tab>
When you hit Tab, the shell will list the possible choices.
pentane.pdb propane.pdb
It doesn’t know which file we actually want, so it doesn’t fill it in for you. Hot tip! If tab completion doesn’t work it often is because you’ve done something wrong. For example, if you are trying to open a file and you can’t tab complete the name of the file, it could be because it doesn’t exist or you’ve spelled it wrong.
Tab completion can also fill in the names of programs, which can be useful if you remember the beginning of a program name.
pwck pwconv pwd pwdx pwunconv
This is showing the name of every program that starts with pw
We now know how to move around our file system using the command line. This gives us an advantage over interacting with the file system through a GUI as it allows us to work on a remote server, carry out the same set of operations on a large number of files quickly, and opens up many opportunities for using bioinformatic software that is only available in command line versions.
In the next few labs, we’ll be expanding on these skills and seeing how using the command line shell enables us to make our workflow more efficient and reproducible.
- The shell gives you the ability to work more efficiently by using keyboard commands rather than a GUI.
- Useful commands for navigating your file system include:
, andcd
. - Most commands take options (flags) which begin with a
. - Tab completion can reduce errors from mistyping and make work more efficient in the shell.
Section 2
- Use a single command to navigate multiple steps in your directory structure, including moving backwards (one level up).
- Perform operations on files in directories outside your working directory.
- Interconvert between absolute and relative paths.
- Employ navigational shortcuts to move around your file system.
- How can I perform operations on files outside of my working directory?
- What are some navigational shortcuts I can use to make my work more efficient?
Moving around the file system
We’ve learned how to use pwd
to find our current location within our file system.
We’ve also learned how to use cd
to change locations and ls
to list the contents
of a directory. Now we’re going to learn some additional commands for moving around
within our file system.
Use the commands we’ve learned so far to navigate to the ~/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data
directory, if
you’re not already there.
cd ~
cd shell-lesson-data
cd exercise-data
What if we want to move back down to the shell-lesson-data directory? Can we type cd shell-lesson-data
? Try it and see what happens.
cd shell-lesson-data
-bash: cd: shell-lesson-data: No such file or directory
Your computer looked for a directory or file called shell-lesson-data
within the
directory you were already in. It didn’t know you wanted to look at a directory level
below the one you were located in.
We have a special command to tell the computer to move us back or down one directory level.
cd ..
Now we can use pwd
to make sure that we are in the directory we intended to navigate
to, and ls
to check that the contents of the directory are correct.
exercise-data north-pacific-gyre
From this output, we can see that ..
did indeed take us back one level in our file system.
You can chain these together to target directories back up two layers. Here we show that using the
command, which lists the contents of the directory (but doesn’t move your current working directory):
ls ../../
This is printing the contents of /home
Examining the contents of other directories
By default, the ls
commands lists the contents of the working
directory (i.e. the directory you are in). You can always find the
directory you are in using the pwd
command. However, you can also
give ls
the names of other directories to view. Navigate to your
home directory if you are not already there.
cd ~
Then enter the command:
ls shell-lesson-data
exercise-data north-pacific-gyre
This will list the contents of the shell_data
directory without
you needing to navigate there.
The cd
command works in a similar way.
Try entering:
cd ~
cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data
This will take you to the exercise-data
directory without having to go through
the intermediate directory.
You can combine ..
with directories to move down and then up other directory chains. For example:
cd ../north-pacific-gyre/
For this, I’m starting in exercise-data, the ‘..’ tells it to go down a level to shell-lesson-data then ‘north-pacific-gyre’ tells it to go up a level into that directory.
- Find the animal-counts directory and enter it using
.- Without leaving the animal-counts directory, list the files in the north-pacific-gyre directory.
- You can view the first 10 lines for a file using the
command. While still in the animal-counts directory, print the first ten lines for unicorn.dat.
Full vs. Relative Paths
The cd
command takes an argument which is a directory
name. Directories can be specified using either a relative path or a
full absolute path. So far we have been using relative paths, which
tell you where to go, relative to your starting directory.
The full path tells you where to go, starting from the root of a computer.
This means that an absolute path will always get you to the same place, regardless
of where you’re starting from.
Navigate to the home directory, then enter the pwd
cd ~
You will see:
This is the full name of your home directory. This tells you that you
are in a directory called jupyter
, which sits inside a directory called
which sits inside the very top directory in the hierarchy. The
very top of the hierarchy is a directory called /
which is usually
referred to as the root directory. So, to summarize: jupyter
is a
directory in home
which is a directory in /
. More on root
in the next section.
Now enter the following command:
cd /home/jupyter/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/
This jumps up multiple levels to the exercise-data
Now go back to the home directory.
cd ~
You can also navigate to the exercise-data
directory using:
cd shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/
These two commands have the same effect, they both take us to the exercise-data
The first uses the absolute path, giving the full address from the home directory. The
second uses a relative path, giving only the address from the working directory. An absolute or full
path always starts with a /
. A relative path does not.
A relative path is like getting directions from someone on the street. They tell you to “go right at the stop sign, and then turn left on Main Street”. That works great if you’re standing there together, but not so well if you’re starting from a different street. A full path is like GPS coordinates. It tells you exactly where something is no matter where you are right now.
You can usually use either a full path or a relative path depending on what is most convenient. If we are in the home directory, it is more convenient to enter the full path. If we are in the working directory, it is more convenient to enter the relative path since it involves less typing.
Over time, it will become easier for you to keep a mental note of the structure of the directories that you are using and how to quickly navigate amongst them.
Relative path resolution
Using the filesystem diagram below, if pwd
displays /Users/thing
what will ls ../backup
../backup: No such file or directory
2012-12-01 2013-01-08 2013-01-27
2012-12-01/ 2013-01-08/ 2013-01-27/
original pnas_final pnas_sub
Navigational Shortcuts
The root directory is the highest level directory in your file
system and contains files that are important for your computer
to perform its daily work. While you will be using the root (/
at the beginning of your absolute paths, it is important that you
avoid working with data in these higher-level directories, as
your commands can permanently alter files that the operating
system needs to function. In many cases, trying to run commands
in root
directories will require special permissions which are
not discussed here, so it’s best to avoid them and work within your
home directory. Dealing with the home
directory is very common.
The tilde character, ~
, is a shortcut for your home directory.
In our case, the root
directory is two levels above our
directory, so cd
or cd ~
will take you to
and cd /
will take you to /
Lets take a look at whats in the root:
cd /
bin boot dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
These are all the core directories for running the server. In this case, this is a virtual machine just for you, so if you mess up something here, it won’t affect anyone else and we could just remake it. For your laptop, if you mess up these files you may cause yourself a huge problem. Best practise is to not touch anything outside of your /home directory unless you really know what you’re doing.
- The
, and..
characters represent important navigational shortcuts. - Relative paths specify a location starting from the current location, while absolute paths specify a location from the root of the file system.
Section 3
- View, search within, copy, move, and rename files. Create new directories.
- Use wildcards (
) to perform operations on multiple files. - Make a file read only.
- Use the
command to view and repeat recently used commands.
- How can I view and search file contents?
- How can I create, copy and delete files and directories?
- How can I control who has permission to modify a file?
- How can I repeat recently used commands?
Working with Files
Now that we know how to navigate around our directory structure, let’s start working with files. First go into the creatures directory.
cd ~/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/creatures
These files have the .dat suffix. Suffixes tell you something about the format of the data stored in them. Files can be human readable, which is to say that they are made up of characters, or they can be only machine readable. A large proportion of data you’ll work with are human readable and it’s always good practice to look at the data in a raw format. Sometimes you can catch problems
Often we want to refer to multiple different files, for example if you wanted to do a task on all of them.
One way we can use that is the asterisk or *
ls *.dat
basilisk.dat minotaur.dat unicorn.dat
The *
character is a special type of character called a wildcard, which can be used to represent any number of any type of character, or no character.
Thus, *.dat
matches every file that ends with .dat
You can have multiple *
to be more broad or more specific. Try this command:
ls *o*
Here we are asking for any file that has anything, then an o, than anything else. Basically, it finds anything with an o in the name.
Do each of the following tasks from your current directory using a single
command for each:
- List all of the files in
that start with the letter ‘c’. - List all of the files in
that contain the letter ‘a’. - List all of the files in
that end with the letter ‘o’.
Bonus: List all of the files in /usr/sbin
that contain the letter ‘a’ or the
letter ‘c’.
Hint: The bonus question requires a Unix wildcard that we haven’t talked about yet. Try searching the internet for information about Unix wildcards to find what you need to solve the bonus problem.
Command History
If you want to repeat a command that you’ve run recently, you can access previous commands using the up arrow on your keyboard to go back to the most recent command. Likewise, the down arrow takes you forward in the command history.
A few more useful shortcuts:
- Ctrl+C will cancel the command you are writing, and give you a fresh prompt.
- Ctrl+R will do a reverse-search through your command history. This is very useful.
- Ctrl+L or the
command will clear your screen.
You can also review your recent commands with the history
command, by entering:
This shows a numbered list of recent commands. You can reuse one of these commands directly by referring to the number of that command.
For example, if your history looked like this:
259 ls *
260 ls /usr/sbin/*.sh
261 ls *dat
then you could repeat command #260 by entering:
Type !
(exclamation point) and then the number of the command from your history.
You will be glad you learned this when you need to re-run very complicated commands.
For more information on advanced usage of history
, read section 9.3 of
Bash manual.
Find the line number in your history for the command that listed all the .sh
files in /usr/sbin
starting with c. Rerun that command.
Examining Files
We now know how to switch directories, run programs, and look at the contents of directories, but how do we look at the contents of files?
One way to examine a file is to print out all the text using the program cat
Enter the following command from within the creatures
cat unicorn.dat
- Print out the contents of the
file. What is the last line of the file? What command would only print the last lines of a file? - From your home directory, and without changing directories,
use one short command to print the contents of all of the files in
is a terrific program, but when the file is really big, it can
be annoying to use. The program, less
, is useful for this
case. less
opens the file as read only, and lets you navigate through it.
Enter the following command:
less unicorn.dat
Some navigation commands in less
key | action |
Space | to go forward |
b | to go backward |
g | to go to the beginning |
G | to go to the end |
q | to quit |
also gives you a way of searching through files. Use the
“/” key to begin a search. Enter the word you would like
to search for and press enter
. The screen will jump to the next location where
that word is found.
For instance, let’s search forward for the sequence TTTTT
in our file.
You can see that we go right to that sequence, what it looks like,
and where it is in the file. If you continue to type /
and hit return, you will move
forward to the next instance of this sequence motif. If you instead type ?
and hit
return, you will search backwards and move up the file to previous examples of this motif.
Find every instance of ‘ACT’ in unicorn.dat using less. What is a problem with using less for this search?
Creating, moving, copying, and removing
Now we can move around in the file structure, look at files, and search files. But what if we want to copy files or move them around or get rid of them? Most of the time, you can do these sorts of file manipulations without the command line, but there will be some cases (like when you’re working with a remote computer like we are for this lesson) where it will be impossible. You’ll also find that you may be working with hundreds of files and want to do similar manipulations to all of those files. In cases like this, it’s much faster to do these operations at the command line.
Copying Files
When working with computational data, it’s important to keep a safe copy of that data that can’t be accidentally overwritten or deleted. For example, when you do sequencing your raw data is represented by a .fastq file We don’t want to accidentally change the original files, so we’ll make a copy of them and change the file permissions so that we can read from, but not write to, the files.
First, let’s make a copy of one of our .dat files using the cp
Navigate to the creatures
directory and enter:
cp unicorn.dat unicorn_copy.dat
ls -o
total 10
-rw-r--r--. 1 jupyter 1838 Mar 12 2023 basilisk.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 jupyter 1830 Mar 12 2023 minotaur.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 jupyter 1833 Mar 12 2023 unicorn.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 jupyter 1833 Dec 19 22:17 unicorn_copy.dat
We now have two copies of the unicorn.dat
file, one of them named unicorn_copy.dat
. We’ll move this file to a new directory
called backup
where we’ll store our backup data files.
Creating Directories
The mkdir
command is used to make a directory. Enter mkdir
followed by a space, then the directory name you want to create:
mkdir backup
Moving / Renaming
We can now move our backup file to this directory. We can
move files around using the command mv
mv unicorn_copy.dat backup
ls backup
The mv
command is also how you rename files. Let’s rename this file to make it clear that this is a backup:
cd backup
mv unicorn_copy.dat unicorn_copy_newname.dat
Important: It’s important to note that if you move a file into a name of a file that already exists, you will overwrite the old file. There is no warning and you cannot reverse this. Unix has no recycle bin that you can rescue things from. Be careful when moving or deleting files.
We can delete files with the rm
rm unicorn_copy_newname.dat
Important: The rm
command permanently removes the file. Be careful with this command. It doesn’t
just nicely put the files in the Trash. They’re really gone.
By default, rm
will not delete directories. The command to remove directories is rmdir
, and it will only
remove empty directories.
Lets test that out:
cd ..
cp unicorn.dat backup/
rmdir backup
rmdir: failed to remove 'backup': Directory not empty
To actually remove that directory, we need to get rid of the files in it:
rm backup/unicorn.dat
rmdir backup
Earlier in the lesson we learned about using wildcards to target multiple files at once.
Be extra careful when using rm
with wildcards,
or with variables (covered later). A mistaken rm
command can delete things you don’t want to be deleted.
Starting in the creatures
directory, do the following:
- Make sure that you have deleted your backup directory and all files it contains.
- Create a backup of each of your .dat files using
. - Use a wildcard to move all of your backup files to a new backup directory.
- You can view file contents using
. - The commands
, andmkdir
are useful for manipulating existing files and creating new directories. - You can view file permissions using
ls -l
and change permissions usingchmod
. - The
command and the up arrow on your keyboard can be used to repeat recently used commands.
This material is adapted from Becker et al. 2019, under CC-BY 4.0 licence.
Erin Alison Becker, Anita Schürch, Tracy Teal, Sheldon John McKay, Jessica Elizabeth Mizzi, François Michonneau, et al. (2019, June). datacarpentry/shell-genomics: Data Carpentry: Introduction to the shell for genomics data, June 2019 (Version v2019.06.1). Zenodo.